The theologian Lesslie Newbigin once said that the best witness to the good news of Jesus Christ is the community that believes it. Therefore, at Oxford Presbyterian Church our mission is to be a compassionate and joyful people who seek to strengthen faith through worship, the study of scripture and fellowship; to be faithful stewards of God’s gifts; to nurture one another through prayer and visitation; and to engage our world with the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Just as every family is unique and special, the Oxford Presbyterian Church family is known for its individuality in the ways it worships, praises, and serves our God. Members and friends enjoy taking part in contemporary as well as traditional worship services each Sunday. Breakfast is lovingly served each Sunday morning and sweet fellowship abounds. Christian education and worship events are often multi-generational and inclusive. Favorite events include picnics, fellowship dinners, seasonal Bible studies, and special services held jointly with sister congregations from the Oxford area. Mission is a central focus of the congregation along with care and service to members of the church and the church family.
The mission of Oxford Presbyterian Church calls us to be a compassionate and joyful people who value and seek meaningful worship, building our faith through the study of Scripture and prayer, faithfully stewarding the gifts God has given us, and ministering to one another as a church family. In so doing God equips us for faithful witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ both near and far.
Each month, our congregation focuses on a different mission project. Our September 2017 mission projects are the receiving of contributions towards the purchase of Christmas presents for residents of the Murdoch Developmental Center in Butner, and donations of toilet tissue in packs of four for Area Congregations in Ministry. If you wish to contribute to Hurricane Harvey disaster in Texas, you may do so to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) or Church World Service (CWS). Please make checks payable to OPC, and memo to the mission you choose — Murdoch, PDA, or CWS.
Music is woven into the fabric of every worship service at Oxford Presbyterian Church. If the words of the Bible are the wings of God’s spirit lifting our hearts with its message of hope and faith and peace. Then music is the wind beneath those wings filling us with God’s message of love. We gather in thankfulness for all God’s blessings and we leave having affirmed our faith that God is our Father and we are his children.
Oxford Presbyterian Church has a mission of providing opportunities for learning in the Christian faith. We seek to learn how God speaks to us through His Word (the Bible), and to learn about Jesus Christ as our Savior and how to show His love through our daily living. We seek to learn how the church should function as a community of faith. We believe that one is never too young nor too old to learn anew from God’s Word.
Sunday School Classes are provided each Sunday morning for all ages, 9:45-10:30 a.m. Children’s Church is provided during both Sunday morning worship services, 8:08 and 11:00 a.m. Seasonal Adult Bible Studies are scheduled throughout the church year.
Jesus said, “Let the little Children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14
8:08 a.m. Contemporary Worship — Come as you are for the relaxed environment of our Contemporary worship service. Children are invited to begin in worship with their parents, and then are dismissed to Children’s Worship for age appropriate worship experiences.
9:00 a.m. Breakfast — Come eat and fellowship with us as we sit down and share a hearty meal together.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School — Come learn with us about Jesus Christ as we endeavor to love God with both our hearts and our minds.
11:00 a.m. Classic Worship — Join us as we sing the great hymns of the church and are blessed by our choir. Children are invited to begin in worship with their parents, and then are dismissed to Children’s Worship for age-appropriate worship experiences.
Alan is married to Michelle, and he loves drinking a lot of good coffee, reading very long novels, and doing high-intensity exercise.
Three favorite loves of Kathy: listening to Brahms 2nd Piano Concerto, reading Sue Grafton’s “A is for Alibi”, and eating an enormous salad of many splendid colors.